
Brow Treatment & Lash Treatments

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Brow Wax

Waxing involves spreading a thin layer of hot or warm wax over the area of unwanted hair and then placing a cloth strip on top. When the strip is pulled off in a rapid motion, it removes both the wax and the hair. Waxing can be done every four weeks.

Brow Tint

Eyebrow tinting is the process of applying semi-permanent dye to enhance, shape, and define your brows. On average session takes only about 20 minutes. You’ll first consult with your therapist to discuss how full and natural you want your brows to look. Then the therapist will prep the area, cleaning the brows. The dye is then mixed and carefully applied, first in the direction of how your brow hairs grow and then a second layer is applied in the opposite direction. The dye is left on for a few minutes to attain optimal colour, then any excess is removed with a damp cotton pad.

Brow Threading

In threading, a thin cotton or polyester thread is doubled, then twisted. It is then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level. Unlike tweezing, where single hairs are pulled out one at a time, threading can remove short rows of hair. Advantages cited for eyebrow threading, as opposed to eyebrow waxing, is that it is gentler on the skin. It is also used as a method of removing unwanted hair on the entire face and upper lip area

HD Brows

HD Brows is a bespoke eyebrow treatment that is totally tailored to you which includes Waxing, tinting, threading and tweezing – not a brow stencil in sight. It’s so much more than a standard eyebrow tint and wax; our expertly trained stylists combine our unique design formula with custom-blended colour, hair removal and make up application

Brow Lamination (Brow Scuplt)

BrowSculpt is brow lamination with a bespoke HD Brows twist. Whether you dream of achieving that full, fluffy eyebrow look, want to create symmetry in uneven brows or tame unruly hairs, our BrowSculpt brow lamination treatment is for you. This corrective treatment helps you to achieve your desired position for up to 6 weeks.

If you have unruly, flat or downward growing hairs, eyebrow lamination can change the direction of growth to create a more uniform look with a higher arch and a more desirable brow shape.


Lash Treatments

Lash Tint

Think of eyelash tinting like getting your roots touched up. The dye will intensify your natural lashes by darkening them and adding definition to the eye. The dye itself is similar to what you use on your hair, except it’s specifically developed to be safe around the eye area. It has the added benefit of making lashes look instantly thicker. Your average eyelash tint lasts around a month.

Lash Extensions

The application of eyelash extensions is carried out by dipping each lash into a medical grade adhesive

and then bonded to the natural lashes by one of our experienced lash technicians.

The whole process can take up to two hours while enhancing the length,

thickness, and fullness of your natural eyelashes.

Types of Lash Extensions:

Classic Lashes – these are our natural set – while still full & fluffy are ideal for those

clients that do not want an overly heavy look to their lashes.

Russian Volume Lashes 

– these are our fuller set – for those that love a fuller, voluminous, fluffy set.

YUMI Lash Lift

Before and After pic on one of our gorgeous clients

Lash Lift is a cosmetic treatment that enhances your natural lashes by lifting (curling) and tinting them.

An alternative to lash extensions and false lashes, lash lifts work by giving your natural lashes a long-lasting curled effect.

After the initial 24 hours of keeping your lashes completely dry, you’re free to apply makeup, work out, wash your face – basically get back into your everyday routine.

Yumi Lashes uses keratin to enhance your natural eyelashes by lifting and curling each hair.

If you have unruly, flat or downward growing hairs, eyebrow lamination can change the direction of growth to create a more uniform look with a higher arch and a more desirable brow shape.